(702) 382-3445 Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-5pm ● Sundays: 12pm-5pm Martes-Sábado: 10am-5pm ● Dom: 12pm-5pm
360 Promenade Place, Las Vegas, NV 89106


¡Embárquese en un electrizante viaje de DESCUBRIMIENTO!

Adéntrese en el mundo de la energía, patrocinado por líderes del sector, y explore exposiciones prácticas que inspiran la innovación. Únase a nosotros para alimentar una ciudad, diseñar dispositivos solares y probar coches eléctricos. Descubra los secretos de las energías renovables y no renovables e imagine un futuro sostenible. Explore los principios básicos de la ciencia de la energía a través de exposiciones interactivas y aprenda sobre la generación, el almacenamiento y el transporte de la energía.



Responsive Wall

Activate motion sensor lights on the wall as you enter the gallery. This kinetic installation primes minds to think unconventionally about motion, energy, and human interaction in the world around us.

Light Brite

Learn that cities need energy to run while playing with light and color in a creative display of the Las Vegas skyline that suggests the omnipresence of energy in their city.


Observe a living, vertical garden installation and learn how plants take energy from the sun and transform it into another type of energy.

Turbine Sculpture

Learn that turbines spin when moving water, air, steam, or gases flow through them.

Future City

Explore different scenarios of powering a city with renewable energy, while trying to reduce the energy usage of the city.

Crooke’s Radiometer

Learn that radiometers detect or measure radiant energy.

Circuit Wall

Using connector pieces to manipulate the path of electricity, you can activate lights, sounds, and fans with energy transported through parallel and series circuits on a large wall.

Energy Source

Complete a circuit by connecting different types of energy (oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, biomass, wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal) to their sources on an interactive tabletop exhibit.

Energy Actions

Increase awareness about the global actions that will help slow our planet’s temperature change. The focus on global action is based on Project Drawdown solutions instead of individual choices.

Reservoir of Power

Generate electricity by pumping water from a lower reservoir into an upper reservoir.

Ball Drop

Lift and drop a stack of rubber balls threaded on a vertical post. When the balls hit the base, the energy is transferred through the stack to the ball on top, which bounces higher than the rest.

Energy Storage Race

Race each other on a tabletop racetrack with simulated electric and gas car models.

Wind Table

Experiment with various designs as you build your own wind turbine.

Career Quiz

Conduct an interactive self-assessment to match your interests with potential careers in green energy industries.

Ring Launcher

Generate energy with a hand crank and store electricity in capacitors. A voltage meter shows how much energy is stored.

Solar Experiments

Assemble your own solar creations with a range of parts, including solar panels, batteries, and basic circuitry.


Create stored potential energy, and watch it transform into kinetic energy by winding and releasing wind-up toys and by cranking a hand crank generator

Desde su primer día de colegio hasta sus primeros momentos A-HA.

Ponemos a nuestros hijos en primer lugar.

Los padres (bajo una superposición púrpura) con su hijo pequeño (a todo color) que está jugando en una exposición

Es un PRIMERO posible gracias al Museo Infantil DISCOVERY.

Como socio educativo de primer orden en la comunidad, defenderemos una colaboración que inspire a cada niño a convertirse en un pensador innovador a través de la alegría y la maravilla del DESCUBRIMIENTO práctico.